Table of Contents
Hey everyone!
Just a quick update to share our brand new ✨ Game finder ✨
Hope you’re all doing great 💚 and having fun on Harpy or anywhere else 🥰
✨ Game finder
The Game finder is here!!! 🎉
You can finally host games and find players (or games if you’re a player) on Harpy!
- Looking for a game? Have a look here ⇒ https://harpy.gg/lobbies 😁
- Want to create a game and find players, it’s also here ⇒ https://harpy.gg/lobbies 😱 (or you can open a lobby from any PBP story or VTT Game)
🧞♂️ GM: So how can I create a game?
A new “house” button will appear on your PbP Story or VTT Game. Click it to create a lobby and decide how many slots you’re opening (you can also create a game from the “Find a game” page)

Give it a title, a tagline a description and you’re good to go!

Your game will appear on the “Find a game” page. Players will be able to contact you and apply to it! ✨

🧙🏼 Player: How can I join an existing game?
Open the page “Find a game”

Click on a game you like and read the description in the drawer. If you still like it, click “Start chatting” to discuss with the GM. They’ll add you to the game once you talked.

The game master will be able to chat with you and add you to the game in one click!

This is the first version of the Game finder. There’s clearly room for improvement but hopefully this will be good enough for you to find players and make new friends on Harpy!
If you’re a GM, please consider creating a game. Let’s fill up this page with amazing adventures!
Share any feedback you might have with me. I’m alway eager to improve Harpy based on your feedbacks.
📈 Monthly Metrics Update
And as promised, here is last month metrics update
- 350 adventurers joined us
- Revenues increased by 10%!!! 📈 STONK!
Thank you all for your amazing support. You know it means the world to me! 💚

🔮 Fantasy languages & Sheet datasets

If you haven’t see our latest blog post, we’ve added the first version of character sheets (Datasets only, no pretty widgets “à la” D&D Beyond yet) and Fantasy languages to the Play-by-post. You can now make your characters speak in other languages that only a few players can understand 🤓
Here’s the blog post if you want to read about it! 😉
🔦 Spotlights
Some initiatives deserve a lot more visibility, so here are this month spotlights
🐴 Brancalonia : L'Empire contre-claque !
Crowdfunding campaign (March 12th ⇒ April 4th): https://fr.ulule.com/brancalonia-2/

Il y a bien longtemps, dans un Royaume lointain, très lointain…
C’est une époque de guerre civile pour les Cités franches du nord de la Brancalonie. Malgré les efforts de paix et les accords historiques, l’armée impériale a envahi le soi-disant Royaume d’État-lie pour lui rappeler, par les armes et le sang, qui est le chef, ici. L’Empire a réussi à déloger les forces rebelles de leurs bases secrètes et les poursuit à travers la plaine Païenne. Avides de liberté, Tarantase et ses voisines sont dorénavant en chemise les unes avec les autres, prêtes à accueillir l’Empereur et à combattre pour leur indépendance. L’Empire contre-claque est une campagne de jeu pour la 5e édition du plus célèbre des jeux de rôle. Elle prend place dans le Royaume d’État-lie, l’univers de Brancalonia, le jeu de rôle de fantasy spaghetti. Développé par Acheron Games et traduit en français par le Studio Agate, Brancalonia est un univers de fantasy spaghetti pour la 5e édition du plus célèbre des jeux de rôle. Il s’inspire des coutumes, des légendes, de l’histoire, des œuvres de fiction et de la culture populaire italiennes.
This 5E compatible campaign has been translated by one of our awesome Community members: Thonmauve 💜.
Please send him and the Studio Agate’s team some love 💚
Crowdfunding campaign (March 12th ⇒ April 4th): https://fr.ulule.com/brancalonia-2/
Disclaimer: This isn’t an ad or a sponsored content nor am I getting paid for it. It’s just a cool project that deserves some light 😊
Alright let’s wrap things up!
As always, be kind to each other and to yourself. You deserve to be loved for who you truly are 💚
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde